You can also give via Text-To-Give (Text the word “Fund” to the number 855-965-3781 to get started, then text the dollar amount and the keyword to sow (ex: $20 Tithes) — *See the instruction video below*); Offering Envelope; or the Vanco Mobile App (download in the App Store or Google Play Store). — For Seed Offerings to Prophet Carn via Text-to-Give, text the dollar amount and the word Prophet (for example: $20 Prophet)
Give your Tithes and Offering, or a special seed offering to the ministry of Kingdom City Church Charlotte
Give your Tithes and Offering, or a special seed offering to the ministry of Kingdom City Church Jax
Give your Tithes and Offering, or a special seed offering to the ministry of Kingdom City Church Houston
Give your Tithes and Offering, or a special seed offering to the ministry of Kingdom City Church Online